Use Defining Moments to Delineate your Purpose


Defining moment represents a moment in time that defines something, such as a person's success or failure, achievement or demise. A point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group is revealed or identified.

They are unalterable. They are memorable and you’ll usually remember the exact date and sometimes the exact hour that your defining moment occurred.

Our choices help define these events.  They are either negative or positive but rarely neutral.

However, the best description of a defining moment is that a defining moment brings you closer to discovering your purpose in life.


How can you identify and seize a defining moment?

Contribute to something larger than yourself.

Consider that the measure of true happiness is the extent to which we give. When we contribute to a cause greater than ourselves, we effectively find purpose.  Remember, you are not alone; finding purpose is a collaborative effort.

Keep your ear to the ground.

Opportunities are usually hidden and pervasive that it can be sometimes hard to identify and difficult to sort them out. Which ones should we go after, and when?  

Maintain an open mind at all times. Often, the best opportunities are the ones that initially seem the riskiest; however never miss the ones that might be less risky – analyze any and all opportunities which present to yourself to determine which one brings you closer to discovering your purpose in life.

Be patient

Oftentimes, the defining moments of our lives are only realized in hindsight.  They cannot be forced nor forged. The might not be as distinct and grandiose; however, they will always be inspirational in fulfilling your purpose in life.


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