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How to Get Fans and Create a Passionate Community

If you’re someone who writes blogs, posts videos or podcasts, I have a wonderful little tip for you to help you gain traction: create a community. Creating a community around your content can make beautiful things happen. When a bunch of people all gathered together to talk about their common passion, with your content right in the middle of that conversation, you’re going to get tons of views. But, hold on a second.

How do you create a community? To create a community, you have to dig through the Internet looking for people who are talking about the same topic as your content. You have to interact with as many of those people as possible. Don’t go spamming them, have conversations about what you have in common. Go to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, all of Google looking for the people that would be interested in reading your blog, watching your videos, or listening to your podcasts! Take all the time you have to read what other people are saying about the topic, comment on their posts and go into chats to draw people towards your content.

Be smart about how you interact with the Internet. You have to be an expert on the topic of your content and make it known how knowledgeable you really are. I’m not saying brag and act snobbish; just make intelligent responses that others would appreciate. Introduce yourself to others online, and once you’ve had a connection, direct them back to your content. By that time, they should know that you are really passionate, and will be interested in what else you have to say on the topic.

This will gather people to make the community you wanted. From there, assuming that you’re posting high-quality content on a regular basis, your community will only grow. The first few people that start viewing your stuff will tell their friends about you, and if you encourage it enough, they’ll share your content right on their own social media accounts. What you want are retweets, likes, and shares. With those, your content is exposed to more and more people until you’ve got large numbers of regular viewers anticipating your next post. Keep up the valuable content, and get yourself wherever you can find your potential fans. 



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