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Learn to Say YES to the Great!

How do we learn to say NO to some good things so we can say YES to the great things in life?

This is one of the biggest skills we all need to learn.

When you say NO to those things that aren’t really adding value to your life, taking you closer to your goals or in alignment with your values; you’re actually saying YES to something else that is. It could be time with your family, workout, meditation, reading or studying something you love, or even a little shut-eye time.

That NO can be hard sometimes, but it’s nothing if you compare it to some other time when you reluctantly said yes and regretted it later on. Think about all the sorrow that one decision caused… You might have kicked yourself for a while, but then, you’d surely resented the person or circumstances related to that task.

Saying no in the first place to a task you don’t want or you don’t have the time to do, ends up being a lot easier than having to struggle with it out of time and resources; so, the sooner you learn to do it, the better.

In the end, this underrated time management strategy will help you devote your time to the things that you really care about.


See you next week to close this series of strategies.

Stay strong!




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