33 Chat GPT Prompts For Software Developers

There’s the notion that some people know how to use Chat GPT far better than others simply by the prompts they use. It’s not an unfair statement by any means, but it required some digging on our part to uncover the best Chat GPT prompts tailored specifically for software developers. As developers, we are always on the lookout for tools and techniques that can enhance our productivity and make our lives easier.

Now, what we outline here is by no means definitive and should instead be taken as signifiers of the endless possibilities that Chat GPT offers to programmers. With that said, here are some prompts for you to try:

Basic Prompts

  • “Provide an example of code that achieves [specific task]”

  • “Share the best practices for [specific language or framework] development”

  • “Assist me in debugging this code snippet. I'm facing an issue with [specific problem]”

  • “Suggest efficient algorithms for solving [specific problem]”

  • “Offer recommendations to improve the user experience of my application”

  • “Provide insights on the latest trends in [specific technology]”

  • “Explain the concept of [specific concept] in simple terms”

The blank spaces within these prompts are up to you. If you wanted to get more specific, it’d look something like this:

More Specific Prompts

“Create a Python script to parse JSON files and extract specific data with the following requirements:

  • Ability to handle large JSON files efficiently

  • Support for nested JSON structures

  • Robust error handling and logging mechanism

  • Develop a Node.js microservice for e-commerce that includes endpoints for user authentication, product listing, cart management, and order processing, and adheres to the RESTful design pattern”

  • “Write a Java function to filter an ArrayList based on a given condition with the following inputs: the ArrayList of objects, the filtering condition as a lambda expression, and the expected output: the filtered ArrayList”

  • “Design a C++ algorithm to solve the travelling salesman problem using the branch and bound strategy”

  • “Implement a JavaScript function that handles file uploads asynchronously with the following inputs: the file object, the target directory, and the expected output: a success or error message indicating the status of the upload process”

  • “Provide a code snippet in Python that calculates the average of a list of numbers”

  • “Design a RESTful API using Node.js and Express for a music streaming service. Include endpoints for user registration, playlist creation, song recommendation, and user authentication”

  • “Write a C# function that checks if a given string is a palindrome and returns a boolean value”

  • “Develop a Java program that implements a binary search algorithm for finding an element in a sorted array”

  • “Create a PHP script that generates a random password with specific requirements such as a minimum length, inclusion of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters”

  • “Design an object-oriented class structure in C++ for a library management system. Include classes for books, patrons, and the ability to handle book borrowing and returning”

  • “Implement a JavaScript function that converts a string representation of a date into a Date object and performs date manipulation operations such as adding or subtracting days”

  • “Develop a Python script that interacts with a database to retrieve specific data based on user input. Ensure the script handles database connections, executes queries, and provides appropriate error handling”

  • “Design a web application using Django framework for an online marketplace. Include features such as user registration, product listing, shopping cart management, and order processing”

  • “Write a Ruby method that sorts an array of objects based on a specific attribute in ascending order. Consider inputs such as the array of objects and the attribute to sort by”

  • “Implement a TypeScript function that validates user input in a form and provides real-time feedback. The function should handle input validation rules, display error messages, and trigger validation on input change”

  • “Create a PHP script that generates QR codes for a given set of data. Ensure the script handles data encoding, QR code generation, and provides the generated QR code as an output”

  • “Design an algorithm in Java to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph using Dijkstra's algorithm. Consider inputs such as the graph structure, start and end nodes, and expected output of the shortest path”

  • “Develop a Node.js microservice for a chat application that includes features such as user authentication, real-time messaging, and message history retrieval”

  • “Write a Python function that calculates the factorial of a given number recursively. The function should handle non-negative integers as inputs and provide the calculated factorial as an output”

  • “Implement a C# program that reads and processes data from a CSV file. The program should handle parsing the CSV file, extracting specific columns or rows, and performing data manipulation or analysis”

  • “Create a JavaScript function that generates a random colour code in RGB format. The function should provide the generated colour code as an output”

  • “Develop a Python script that scrapes data from a website and generates a report summarizing specific information, such as product prices, ratings, and reviews”

  • “Create a mobile app using React Native that allows users to create and share personalized digital greeting cards with customizable templates, text, and images”

  • “Write a Java program that simulates a simple banking system with features like account creation, deposits, withdrawals, and balance inquiries. Implement error handling for cases such as insufficient funds or invalid transactions”

  • “Design a web-based project management tool using Ruby on Rails, which includes features like task assignment, progress tracking, file sharing, and team collaboration”

  • “Implement a sentiment analysis algorithm in Python that analyzes a text document or a stream of tweets and determines the overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) of the content”

These prompts are going to be something you experiment with and tailor to your needs as you go through the programming process. You can get super specific and continue to give the output back to Chat GPT until you get the ideal response. For instance, if you wanted to use the first more specific prompt we listed; to develop a Python script that will parse JSON files and extract specific data, you can start with the prompt:

“Create a Python script to parse JSON files and extract specific data with the following requirements…”

It’s not likely that the system is always going to give you exactly what you’re looking for on the first request, in that case, say something like “I've reviewed the initial code generated, but I'm still encountering issues when parsing nested JSON structures. How can I modify the code to fix this?”

The key is to be as descriptive as possible, if you just say “It’s not working”, you’re going to be going back and forth with the system for a long and painful time. Treat Chat GPT like your programming therapist; “The code fails to retrieve data from nested objects. I receive a 'KeyError' when trying to access certain fields. How can I modify the code to fix this?".

What’s next?

Chat GPT just announced Code Interpreter, which is going to revamp how we understand the coding process beyond using prompts in Chat GPT. However, knowing how to use prompts like these will certainly be a valuable prerequisite when moving on to more advanced systems like Code Interpreter.

If you’re more interested in integrating AI capabilities into your company, check out our AI consulting page for more information.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

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