Leveraging IaC (Infrastructure as Code) in Business 2023

Imagine a world where setting up and managing complex infrastructure becomes as simple as writing code. This is the premise for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), which is a concept that has gained tons of traction recently as it’s changing the way we manage and deploy infrastructure. The way it works is that it defines and manages infrastructure using code as opposed to manual configuration, which means everything - from servers and networks to databases and configurations - can be described and provisioned through code.

Business Setup with Infrastructure as Code

To give you an example of how it works in a business environment, consider the setup stage of a new application. It’s a process that’s traditionally been very tedious, but with this approach, developers can work with infrastructure experts to articulate the necessary resources and configurations through code. This code - written in languages like Terraform or CloudFormation - becomes the ultimate reference for infrastructure setup.

This all happens through parameters such as server specifications, networking rules, load balancer settings, and database configurations which are well-defined within the codebase. The code's inherent version control allows us to track changes over time. This comes in especially handy when we need to replicate the setup for testing, staging, or scaling purposes. In fact, replicating environments becomes as simple as executing a piece of code.

IaC Scalability

Back to that, we can’t overlook the scalability aspect. Think about when an app sees a surge in demand with a conventional setup, one where infrastructure is managed manually. Often, this would entail downtime and manual adjustments which would interfere with the user side and the app's reputation for reliability. 

In IaC the entire infrastructure setup is encapsulated in code, detailing every component's configurations and interdependencies. When demand surges, a mere adjustment to the code initiates actions; automated provisioning spins up new instances, load balancers allocate traffic, and network configurations adjust on the fly. All of this happens in a controlled and rapid manner, with minimal to no disruption to users.

What Does IaC Do For DevOps?

IaC plays a crucial role in adopting DevOps methodologies and enabling continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD). IaC alleviates much of the provisioning burden from developers, who can now execute scripts to prepare their infrastructure. Consequently, application deployments no longer hinge on infrastructure setup, and system administrators are freed from managing any time-consuming manual tasks.

CI/CD hinges on perpetual automation and uninterrupted monitoring throughout the application's lifecycle – from integration and testing to delivery and deployment. However, automation relies on uniformity. Inconsistent deployment and configuration practices between development and operations teams can undermine the deployment of the automated application.

The DevOps ethos thrives on the synergy between development and operations, mitigating errors, manual interventions, and disparities. IaC becomes a bridge between these teams, offering a unified description of application deployment that aligns with DevOps principles.

This uniformity extends to all environments, including production. IaC ensures that every deployment replicates the same environment consistently, eliminating the need for unique configurations that are hard to reproduce manually. 

Developer Tools for IaC

Let's delve into some of the key IaC tools:


This is a cornerstone of IaC, Terraform enables you to define infrastructure as code using its declarative syntax. Whether you're managing cloud resources, networks, or databases, Terraform simplifies everything from provisioning to updating with a single command. Also, its open-source and Terraform Cloud options are flexible. 

AWS CloudFormation

For those within the Amazon Web Services ecosystem, AWS CloudFormation provides a dedicated path to IaC. It lets you define AWS resources using templates, reducing manual management and enhancing consistency across your cloud infrastructure.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

Google Cloud Deployment Manager revolves around declarative YAML formats and supports Python as well as Jinja2 templates. By employing these tools, you can configure and reuse resources with ease, fostering efficiency and reducing redundancy.


Crossplane integrates well with Kubernetes, enabling you to manage infrastructure across clouds, clusters, and on-premises environments. Simply put, it’s an open-source tool that extends Kubernetes' power to infrastructure orchestration.


If you’re focused on the development environment, Vagrant is going to be your top choice. By defining environments as code, developers can share setups across team members, ensuring that everyone works in the same development environment. 


Spacelift is a developer-centric CI/CD solution tailored for cloud-agnostic Infrastructure as Code. It revolves around the concept of managing infrastructure as code, and of course, automating the management of your infrastructure setups. With Spacelift, you can integrate IaC into your workflows pretty easily, ensuring consistent infrastructure deployment while focusing on your core development tasks.

The Takeaway

IaC empowers development teams to focus on core tasks while automating infrastructure management. With the ability to replicate environments consistently, businesses can ensure deployments are reliable and effective.

To stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technology landscape, businesses have got to consider adopting IaC and exploring the available tools that best suit their needs. By implementing IaC, businesses can optimize their infrastructure management and accelerate their digital transformation journey. Does this sound interesting? We can help you get started on this journey by identifying any deficiencies in your current workflows. Check us out today and initiate your transformation with us.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

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