
Android Operating Systems

Every month Google, who has an operating software on Android, releases the statistics on the world of Android. In summary, Android consists of a variety of operating systems. The most popular OS’s are Marshmallow, KitKat, and Lollipop. 

The fastest-growing OS is nougat at a rate of approximately 3% monthly, primarily due to the fact that more devices are being released with the operating system and other devices are being updated to use it. 

A new version of the Android OS named “Oreo” has had a steady start growing from 0.2% to 0.3% in the last month. It is true that when a new system such as Oreo is released, it takes at least a year for the lower penetration stage of the release to be surpassed. This means that they usually start slow due to the fact that different code needs to be written for the OS to be brought onto different devices. 

Predictions state that during the coming years, the three large OS’s will remain on top; however, with the updates that Google has recently made, it should make it easier for companies to switch OS because, in theory, they will have less code to write. 

Overall, it appears that there has been a yearly trend that the adoption rate is consistently slowing and the number of people using Android's latest software is slowing down, which could be because the amount of revolutionary updates is slowing as Android, along with Apple and other big names, are running out of breakthrough ideas. 

If you want more information on the topic, reach out to one of our experts at ISU Corp today!


Top 4 Android Mobile IDEs

Android is a highly popular and in-demand operating system on devices used by millions of people around the world. In today's rapidly evolving world of mobile app development, choosing the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is crucial to ensure smooth development workflows, efficient coding, and seamless app performance. Android, being one of the most popular mobile operating systems globally, offers a plethora of options when it comes to IDEs.

In this blog post, we will explore the top eight Android mobile IDEs that have gained popularity among developers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, these IDEs are equipped with features and tools to enhance your Android app development process. So, let's dive in and discover the power of these Android IDEs.

If you’re tired of researching what you need, hiring professionals is also a good way to go for your project. But if you’re determined to go at it alone, we’re also here to help, so let’s get right into it.

Why use IDEs?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to use an Android Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

Android App Development: Android IDEs, such as Android Studio, provide a comprehensive set of tools and features specifically designed for developing Android applications. They offer a development environment tailored to the Android platform, making it easier to write, test, and debug Android apps.

Code Efficiency: IDEs typically include features like code completion, code templates, and syntax highlighting, which help developers write code more efficiently and reduce the chances of errors. These features can save a significant amount of time and effort compared to using a basic text editor.

Debugging and Testing: Android IDEs offer robust debugging and testing tools that allow developers to identify and fix issues in their applications. They provide features like breakpoints, variable inspection, step-through debugging, and emulator/simulator integration for testing on virtual devices.

Project Management: IDEs offer project management capabilities, enabling developers to organize their code, resources, and dependencies effectively. They provide tools for building, running, and packaging Android applications, making it easier to manage the entire development lifecycle.

Integration with Android SDK: Android IDEs are tightly integrated with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), which provides a wide range of libraries, APIs, and tools for Android app development. IDEs make it seamless to access and utilize these resources, simplifying the development process.

Collaboration and Version Control: IDEs often have built-in support for version control systems like Git, allowing developers to collaborate with others on projects more efficiently. They provide features like branch management, commit history, and conflict resolution, making it easier to work as a team.

User Interface Design: Android IDEs often include visual design tools that enable developers to create and modify app interfaces using a drag-and-drop approach. These tools offer a visual representation of the UI, making it easier to design and prototype user interfaces.

Community Support and Documentation: Android IDEs have large user communities, and there is extensive documentation and online resources available. This means that developers can easily find tutorials, code samples, and solutions to common problems, which can help speed up development and troubleshooting.

Overall, using an Android IDE can greatly enhance the productivity and efficiency of Android app development by providing a specialized environment with a wide range of tools and features tailored to the platform. So now that you know why using an IDE is a good idea, let’s get into the best IDEs for you to choose from.


AIDE - IDE For Android 

AIDE is arguably the most common smartphone IDE for Java and C++ programming and is a large coding suite targeted at programmers of all levels. It helps Android, as well as pure Java console software, to build C/C++ NDK and Java/XML apps. When you try this IDE, it really gives you the impression that with just your phone or tablet you can create smartphone applications.

Aspiring beginners will buy step-by-step immersive courses that include Java programming, Android production, game development, and even Android Wear-based device app formation. It should be remembered that the IDE has an incredibly user-friendly UI, so you can very easily appreciate what it has to do. Creating a new project or flipping between existing ones is simple. You can also quickly import source code from a remote repository when developing a new project, or simply create a new repository right within a project for potential collaboration.

Android Studio - IDE FOR ANDROID

When it comes to Android app development, Android Studio is the official IDE recommended by Google. It’s based on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA and provides a comprehensive set of tools and features specifically designed for Android development. Android Studio offers an intuitive user interface, making it suitable for both beginners and experts alike. It supports multiple programming languages, including Java and Kotlin, and provides robust features like code completion, debugging, and testing. Android Studio also comes with an integrated Android Emulator, which allows developers to test their apps on virtual devices.

One of the standout features of Android Studio is its Gradle-based build system, which streamlines the build and deployment process. Additionally, Android Studio provides excellent support for version control systems like Git, making collaborative development a breeze. With regular updates and enhancements, Android Studio continues to be the go-to IDE for Android app development.

DroidScript - IDE For Android

In both respects, this is an IDE for mobile development, as DroidScript's main aim is to write relatively simple JavaScript-based phone and tablet applications. Even you can look for a Java-oriented IDE if you are not familiar with the JavaScript programming language. 

Most of the functionality of a standard Android smartphone can be reached in its current version, including GPS, compass, accelerometer, sending and receiving text messages, etc.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) - IDE for android

While primarily known as a versatile code editor, Visual Studio Code has gained popularity as a lightweight IDE for Android development. Developed by Microsoft, VS Code is highly extensible, allowing developers to customize the editor according to their preferences. It supports multiple programming languages, including Java and Kotlin, through various extensions.

With its extensive ecosystem of extensions, VS Code offers a rich set of features for Android app development. These include IntelliSense for code completion, integrated debugging, and built-in Git integration. Additionally, VS Code provides powerful plugins for linting, formatting, and managing dependencies. Although it lacks an integrated emulator, developers can easily connect their physical devices or use the Android Emulator provided by Android Studio. The combination of its flexibility, performance, and the vast array of extensions make VS Code a compelling choice for Android development.

CppDroid - IDE For Android

CppDroid is an IDE for the production of C/C++, as the name suggests. For advanced developers, it provides a complete range of tools and features, as well as samples and guides for those studying the art of coding.

The IDE can download all the appropriate libraries and build a basic HelloWorld program when you open CppDroid for the first time.


IntelliJ IDEA, developed by JetBrains, serves as the foundation for Android Studio. As a standalone IDE, it provides robust features for Android app development, making it a popular choice among developers. With its intelligent code analysis and refactoring tools, IntelliJ IDEA helps developers write clean and efficient code.

IntelliJ IDEA offers support for multiple programming languages and provides advanced features like intelligent code completion, code navigation, and powerful debugging capabilities. This IDE also offers seamless integration with build tools like Gradle and Maven, simplifying the build and deployment process. Additionally, IntelliJ IDEA supports version control systems, making collaborative development much easier.

Android Web Developed (AWD) - IDE For Android 

Another IDE with a fully self-explanatory tag, AWD, is a Swiss Army knife for web creation that helps users to run PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and JSON data. It has an automated error checking and "code beautifying" feature, support for regular expressions, and integration with Git.

Eclipse with ADT (Android Development Tools) - IDE FOR ANDROID

Eclipse with ADT was one of the most widely used IDEs for Android development before Android Studio's emergence. Although it has lost some popularity, it still has a dedicated user base. Eclipse with ADT provides a feature-rich development environment with extensive plugin support.

ADT offers tools for developing Android applications, including a graphical layout editor, XML editors, and a rich debugging interface. It supports multiple programming languages, including Java, and allows for seamless integration with Android SDKs and libraries. Eclipse with ADT also supports version control systems and provides tools for managing app signing and deployment.

It can be a little overwhelming to weigh all the options. Talk to an expert to figure out which IDE is best for you.

What Is The Best IDE Used For Android Development Apps?

There are several smartphone IDEs available on the market, and to help you create entertaining Android applications, we've outlined the very best of them. There are personal interests of each mobile developer as to what IDE to use in a given project. This means that after leaving the one you began with, you can continue to focus on other IDEs over time. This is totally normal. There are numerous initiatives with various obstacles, and there is no uniform IDE. So, it takes time and some work to pick the best IDE.

Choosing the right Android IDE is crucial for efficient and productive mobile app development. Each IDE offers a unique set of features and capabilities to cater to different developer preferences and requirements. Whichever IDE you choose, ensure that it aligns with your development workflow and empowers you to create exceptional Android applications.

As the market for the development of Android apps has increased, the collection of Android IDEs that help developers save time when creating high-performance apps will also continue to expand. We hope that after you find the right IDE for yourself, the list of the best smartphone IDEs for Android that we have shared will help you thrive and improve your productivity.

Enjoy Coding! For More Information Get in Contact With Us!


Top 14 Android Frameworks to Create Your Mobile App 

Mobile applications are one of the binding forces that connect businesses with their customers on a more personal level. Thus, allowing the customer to feel as though they are appreciated and looked after. As such, the business builds a stronger brand and reputation. 

With constant advances occurring in today’s digital world, companies of all sizes are taking part in the development of apps, incorporating them into their marketing strategies, and engagement purposes. 

Most businesses prefer to customize their apps, and make them unique to their own products. Which is why many resort to building their apps on an Android operating system. Android has many varying features that give developers more options to customize, along with a large community that offers assistance and guidance. 

However, it’s not as simple as deciding you’re going to use an Android framework to customize your mobile application. App development is no easy task and there are so many options to choose from. But do not stress! We’re here to give you a list of the best 14 Android frameworks to work with: 

Game Development

1. Unity 

This is the best Android development framework when it comes to multi-platform 2D, 3D, virtual reality, and augmented reality-based games or experiences. There are both cost-free and premium varieties available to choose from. Developers are either able to develop with C# or UnityScript language (similar to JavaScript). 

Unity allows developers to export their games onto varying platforms such as iOS and Windows. As it is a physics engine, developers are able to control a range of features like momentum, light rendering, and graphic aspects. It also has a built-in editor which enables you to manage animations and edit any images. 

One of the biggest advantages of Unity is that it is fairly easy to use and allows developers to establish an outstanding platform that can form a great connection with your company’s consumers. 

High Performance Development 

2. Kotlin 

Kotlin is a modern programming language for Android, which incorporates resources from both functional and object-orientated programming. It runs on a Java Virtual Machine and as such, uses the same idea as Java coding language. 

Developing apps with Kotlin, you have the guarantee that they will be just as quick and efficient as ones that are created with Java. As of 2020, Kotlin is regarded as the 4th most preferred programming language. Platforms like Pinterest, Uber, and Twitter are migrating to Kotlin for their Android application development process. 

3. Corona SDK 

If you’re looking to create fast apps and games, this could be the platform for you! Corona SDK enables 10x faster development speeds than any other framework. This framework is completely free and available for both Windows and Mac OS X! 

It also integrates native UI support with a well-versed advertising platform and over 500 APIs. The API features are great for networking, design graphics, particle effects, widgets, and so much more! Corona SDK is easy to learn and gives you the ability to integrate into Android for the developers. 

4. Sencha Touch 

This is an enterprise-first platform that’s created for native mobile app development and is based on HTML5 and JavaScript, allowing for the creation of various Android apps. It comes ready with almost 50 built-in UI fundamentals and native themes, which helps developers to develop attentive and audience-grasping applications. 

Sencha Touch uses hardware acceleration tools in order for the apps to function with high performance. Some of the main pros include: compatibility, fast execution, and responsive touch features. When building an app with this framework, you’ll be creating an immersive platform for your users with smooth scrolling, fluid animations, and greatly adaptive features.

5. TheAppBuilder 

This framework uses HTML5 to support a code-less user interface. What does that mean? You don’t need to know how to code in order to create an app! It has an effective drag-and-drop framework that allows developers to create apps quickly and efficiently. 

It comes ready with content updates, push notifications, feedback and polls. Once your app is created, you’re able to submit it directly to the Google Play store to increase your businesses reach with a diverse group of consumers. One of the greatest features of TheAppBuilder is the generation of analytical reports, so you’re easily able to find any complications and solve them!

6. SproutCore

This is an open-source JavaScript framework that is fantastic for developing REALLY FAST apps with all sorts of features! SproutCore is an HTML5 platform (designed by Apple), which utilizes a MVC design. This enables for high performance and comparability for your application. 

It comes equipped with a complete set of tools that are needed to develop a desktop application, this includes: UI components, routing, testing and deployment resources. With over 50,000 tools, this framework has worked its way up to the top for Android app development. 

Native App Development 

7. React Native 

This is a strong open-source framework that gives support for various development tools and their IDEs. Many well-known companies use React Native to develop their apps, such as: Walmart, Instagram, and Tesla. 

A great feature is that most of their APIs are cross-platform, meaning developers can program their code just once and run it wherever. This ultimately improves the speed and saves the company money! 

As with most frameworks, React Native has building blocks for its development process. Developers are able to integrate updated files whilst keeping the current state of the app. 

8. Xamarin 

This framework (owned by Microsoft), is equipped with a state-of-the-art toolset, which allows developers to create native apps for various mobile platforms on a C# coding language. As it is owned by Microsoft, it uses their cloud testing abilities to test the apps built on multiple devices. 

The code-sharing features of Xamarin is one of the leading factors, as it reduces time and the amount of issues run into during the development process. 

9. Appcelerator Titanium 

Similarly to others, this is an open-source platform for developing native apps with (and there’s no catch here): a single JavaScript code! It’s quite liked as it allows for the development of multi-platform apps which use approximately 60%-90% of the already written code. 

Appcelerator Titanium makes use of hardware features such as OS-centric controls, Android menu options, and platform notifications. Some other great features incorporated into this framework are: application monitoring, automated testing, and performance regulation. 

Hybrid App Development 

10. Ionic 

This is a completely free framework that is approved by MIT and enables developers to create advanced hybrid apps with the use of CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. It is popular due to its cross-platform abilities and the capability to incorporate AngularJS. 

Ionic hosts a command-line interface which integrates features such as logging, emulators, and live reload. Also, it has the ability to migrate to various services like Instagram and Google Play! 

11. Flutter 

This framework is created by Google and is a multi-platform mobile SDK which can be used to develop your very own mobile applications. However, it works slightly different from most Android frameworks. 

Flutter utilizes a cross-platform process and uses the Dart coding language. Flutter though, is definitely one of the best choices for hybrid app development. 

The greatest advantages: 

  • Quick rendering 

  • Screen reader 

  • Cross-platform 

  • Hot reload 

  • Fast development 

  • Open-source and free 

  • Themes for both iOS and Android 

12. Cordova 

Cordova, like other frameworks, is an open source platform that developers can use to create multi-platform accessible applications with a single code base such as Appcelerator Titanium. It operates based on standard web technologies; CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5. It is a medium between mobile and web applications. 

Although Cordova is mainly designed to develop online apps, it is able to offer support for offline situations, which makes it ideal for the development of desktop applications.

13. PhoneGap 

This is an open-source framework which is supported by both Adobe and Apache. It enables developers to create apps using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. It allows developers to simultaneously view the changes during the development process. 

It is most often used for developing hybrid apps, and is able to perform highly along with the freedom aspect, which means developers can work without hardware restrictions. 

14. NativeScript 

Another top framework for hybrid application development is a free open-source platform, which allows developers to build apps using TypeScript, Vue, or Angular. The great thing about this framework is the ability to reuse plugins from those directly in the projects, which is a huge plus for developers. 

NativeScript is especially great for experienced developers in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to create highly advanced apps. One of the greatest advantages being: UIs with the platform’s engine in order to receive results in native-like UIs and performance capabilities. As such, guaranteed success! 

14 Frameworks and Still Unclear on Which to Choose?  

Choosing the right Android framework is no easy task, especially if you’re not an experienced developer. Each business has different needs which would correspond differently to each framework. At ISU Corp we’re able to assess everything together and help you make the right choice. 

Interested? Contact us today!