Tapping into an Exciting, Purpose-driven Sense of Confidence

Have you ever had one of those days in which you practically jumped out of bed in a great mood and the entire day went down just like you wanted it?

Have you ever experienced just the opposite?


The way you feel is the direct result of your state of mind.

If you are always stressed and worried, you will live in a depressed state, feeling like you can’t get do anything right, like your whole life is going downhill; and your confidence will take a hit.

On the other hand, if you’re consistently in a state of gratitude, love, and joy, you are going to be living in an amazing, upbeat state in which nothing gets you out of your game. You will move through your day with purpose and enthusiasm, building your self-confidence as you go along.


Now, how do we reach or create these very different states?

By acknowledging your emotions.

If you let them control your feelings without you knowing why you are feeling that particular way, they will end up controlling your actions.

This can eventually become a habit that can affect you every day.

When you’re driven by a sense of well-being, you’ll radiate happiness and confidence; but when you’re obstructed by negativity, those around you will sense it and react accordingly.

So, how can you avoid it?

First, by recognizing that you are in control of how you feel, including confidence. Confidence is not something you’re born with and just have; it’s something you build over time and work. It’s the feeling of certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do. It’s like any other emotion, it’s a way of feeling you can train yourself into at any time.


What is your purpose?

Why is confidence important to you? Do you interact with a huge number of people? Are you a manager or a CEO and need to present a strong sense of leadership? Perhaps to make a good first impression in a relationship?

Whatever it may be, you need to know exactly why you want to achieve it. Once you know it, it’s just a matter of retraining your brain to present yourself as a confident person. Disregard the negative thoughts, uncertainty, hesitance, and second-guessing that held you back before, that would only lead you to doubt and fear. Your mind and body will begin a positive feedback loop; they will take the hint and would stand straighter, stop fidgeting, and present the best version of yourself.


What turns you on?

There’s a way to help you figure out how to build confidence even when you’re at your lowest point ever: think about something in you or those around you that you’re grateful and proud of.
Remember a recent accomplishment, something you did at work that turned out incredible, or helping a family member or a friend…

Whatever it is, it’s something you get done, no one else. That’s worth celebrating.

Recognizing this accomplishment and your ability to reproduce it will instantly raise your mood and allow you to create some incredible levels of confidence.

With this, you’re retraining your mind to think in positive terms instead of negative ones…. ‘If I did all that, what can hold me back from achieving this new goal?’

Evoking moments of pride will help you to see the big picture more clearly, and as you practice tapping into it more often, you’ll start believing in your own abilities, and will be able to access those feelings of well-being and pride any time at will.

You’re in charge of your emotions, and you can use them to shape your life in any way you choose to.


Stay strong!








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