Guide to Artificial Intelligence

How AI Chatbots Have Recovered in eCommerce

9 months ago marked one of the biggest transitions in the way humans communicate that will become an irreversible change shortly in every industry. E-commerce is no exception, and the implications of Chat GPT and tools alike pose massive advantages for businesses that can leverage AI effectively.

Like anything new, there has to be the trial and error stage where businesses figure out how the tool fits into their processes. The first issue that immediately stands out with Chatbots is the generic and repetitive responses. If your site implements a Chatbot to manage customer support, how are you going to want the experience to be? For most business owners, the answer is a simple “Unlike anything they’ve ever seen before” which is great but we should also add “And can’t get anywhere else”.

What Happened With Chatbots in eCommerce at The Start (The Epic Fail)

In the early days of eCommerce Chatbots, rather than expediting processes, they ended up causing delays. Chatbots would struggle to locate information, resulting in sluggish responses that left customers feeling more frustrated than if they had waited for a human representative to assist them.

Even when Chatbots managed to provide fast responses, they frequently failed to address the specific questions customers posed. For instance, if a customer inquired about the precise location of their package, the chatbot might respond with a generic message like "Your package is in transit".

In their initial stages, Chatbots were limited in their ability to handle anything beyond basic requests. While they could handle queries like "How do I start a return?" they were incapable of handling more complex requests like "I'd like to check the status of an ongoing return."

The biggest downfall of these early-day Chatbots was their struggles to retain previously gathered information. If a customer was transferred to a human representative, that representative often had none of the information the chatbot had already collected.

Even today, Chatbots are not universally trusted. Under the Bot Disclosure Act implemented in California in July 2019, retailers are required to inform consumers when Chatbots are in use, with non-compliance resulting in fines of up to $2,500 per violation. 

What’s Changed?

We can’t come off talking about this Chatbot dystopia without telling you about the strides the technology has made in recent years. So with that said, here’s a look at what’s been going on: 

From a technological perspective, this is what’s gotten better: 

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP lets Chatbots understand and interpret human language, which makes interactions feel more natural and meaningful.

  2. Machine Learning (ML): ML algorithms let Chatbots remember and learn from past interactions, which over time makes them more efficient. This is essential for personalization and handling any issues brought to light by customers.

  3. Chatbot Architectures: The design and development of Chatbots have evolved to include components like user interfaces, NLP engines, and ML algorithms, which make the Chatbots more powerful and enhance their responsiveness.

  4. Rule-Based vs. AI-Based Chatbots: Rule-based Chatbots use predefined rules to respond to queries, and AI-based Chatbots leverage NLP and ML to understand and respond to user queries. Match those up against each other, and AI Chatbots are the clear winner. 

  5. Best Practices: Developers now follow best practices in chatbot design, focusing on clear purposes, and the user experience, and prioritizing ongoing testing and refinement.

With this part covered, let’s shift to what these technological advancements have translated into:

  1. Human-Like Chatbots: Chatbots have become more human-like, thanks to the advancements in Natural Language Processing and machine learning algorithms. This makes interactions with Chatbots more relatable and user-friendly. Recall that in the past, Chatbots often provided generic and robotic responses.

  2. Deep Customer Insights: Modern Chatbots are designed to use deep customer insights to inform their responses. This is a fancy way of saying; they can analyze user data and give those personalized/relevant responses that companies want their users to have.

  3. Voice Bots: Voice bots (Siri, Alexa, etc.) have obviously become a massive deal since they also give a more natural and intuitive interface for users. Think about booking appointments, ordering food, or making reservations using voice commands. This was a massive improvement over text-only Chatbots.

  4. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Chatbots are now designed to create a sense of connection between the customer and the company instead of simply being a means to automate support services. They provide quick, personalized experiences that improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the past, as we know, Chatbots often left customers feeling disconnected and dissatisfied.

What a Successful Chatbot Implementation Looks Like

A few good examples of companies leveraging Chatbots effectively include Rawbank, Starbucks, and Lyft. To break down what each of these companies is doing as straightforwardly as possible, we’ll say that effective Chatbots can be recognized under three pillars:

  1. How it understands language

  2. How it personalizes the experience

  3. How it continues to get better

With Rawbank for example, it has over 50 different use cases which is what makes it so well regarded. With this amount of ground covered, it’d mean that there isn’t a whole lot users could throw at the system that it wouldn’t be able to handle. This brings me to the next point; how it personalizes.

We’ll use Starbucks for this one just because it’s super simple. The chatbot can access a customer's order history, it lets them customize things, it gives recommendations, and it’s a barista in your pocket. This is a system that’s going to set the standard for any local coffee shops now and guess what? The companies who leverage it better than others, will get more customers and retain them longer. 

Lastly, Lyft. They recognize that their market is heavily controlled by Uber - which puts a lot of pressure on them when it comes to the customer experience. At first glance, you can see that the Chatbot interface for Lyft closely resembles an iMessage chat which is certainly user-friendly, but how does it stand out? Well, Lyft beat Uber to market. Which has given them time to get some mileage on their Chatbot and optimize the user experience. 

The Takeaway

It’s no surprise that a lot of people’s knowledge and understanding of AI stops at Chat GPT. These Chatbot interfaces are setting a new standard for how people find and interact with information, which is now pouring over into the business world. Want to get behind the shift? Find out if your business is ready for AI today.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners’ mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.


Integrating NLP into Your Website

As software developers, we’re always looking for ways to enhance the user experience on any website we’re given. Forrester estimated that for every $1 invested in UX, you can expect to see a return of $100. Other research tells us that 70% of online businesses fail due to bad usability, 75% of customers judge a website's credibility based on its aesthetics, and 88% of online consumers say they wouldn't return to a website after having a bad experience.

While it may be best to take these figures with a grain of salt, the underlying message is loud and clear: user experience matters, and it can make or break a website. In a fast-paced digital world, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become an important tool when trying to differentiate your site from others and ultimately innovate the way users interact with your brand. 

NLP in a Nutshell

Think about how you talk to voice assistants like Alexa or Siri – they understand the context and provide precise answers to precise questions. This expectation now extends to websites. Users anticipate conversational support to yield relevant answers.

But as any online business owner will tell you, the real value lies in converting users who engage with the site. As a developer, when you’re tasked with making this conversion a regular occurrence, NLP is an obvious move since it uses algorithms that work to identify patterns, context, and underlying meanings within the queries from users.

As a result, even if the user's query doesn't match the exact phrasing of your product descriptions or content, your website is still able to rank if it falls under the same context or category. For instance, if someone searches for something specific like "best budget-friendly smartphones with good camera quality”, even if your website doesn't have the exact phrase explicitly stated, NLP recognizes the context and presents options from your product range that fit the description.

Industry Example

The financial sector is generally one of the best places to look when it comes to the introduction of automation or data-driven technologies. So if you take the compliance process for instance, the rules and regulations businesses follow require a level of precision that leaves very little room for error. NLP, in this case, makes sense of rules and requirements faster than manual review which ensures that everything is extracted and organized correctly. 

Now, if a FinTech company was to integrate NLP into their website, these benefits go to their users as well. For instance, when a customer has queries related to compliance or regulations, the NLP system translates legal jargon into plain language so customers can understand their rights, obligations, and options. Also, if a customer asks about their spending patterns, the system looks at their transaction history and generates visual representations they can use for budgeting and/or planning. Over time, the system can understand the context better which then enhances the results it outputs. 

Why is Natural Language Processing Different?

NLP bridges the gap between how people naturally communicate and how technology responds. It understands the nuances of language, the context behind queries, and even the emotions expressed which personalizes the experience.

When you take the traditional approach to technology, interactions often feel rigid and constrained. Users need to follow specific formats or keywords to get the desired response. It's almost like you need to speak a different language to communicate with machines. The way we can look at it is that we’re still just at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to AI. By getting familiar now and integrating these processes, businesses get ahead. 

Traditionally, website interactions have been a one-sided affair. Think about the last time you had to navigate through a website's menus, enter specific keywords, or get in touch with a support person to fix an issue. AI is about making technology understand us, not the other way around.

Exploring NLP Integration Technologies

NLP applications span across web and mobile apps. Here's a glimpse into some of the key technologies commonly employed during NLP integration:

Frameworks and Libraries: The realm of NLP is powered by open-source frameworks and libraries. These resources offer pre-trained models and APIs designed for diverse NLP tasks. Leading options include NLTK, spaCy, TensorFlow, and BERT.

Sentiment Analysis: This technique discerns sentiments expressed in text, which is great for social media analysis and evaluating customer feedback.

Named Entity Recognition (NER): Extracting insights from unstructured text is made possible through NER. This technique categorizes named entities whether it’s names of people, organizations, locations, or dates. NER allows systems to discern information from within the clutter of text.

The Takeaway

Because digital experiences define customer relationships, the importance of user experience cannot be overstated. You're not just integrating NLP or AI into your website, you’re redefining how your business or brand interacts with its users. Once you see what this approach to online business entails, you’ll never understand how you operated without it. It’s best to find consultants with experience who can set you up for success before you run the risk of wasting an investment on a system that doesn’t deliver the way you wanted.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners’ mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.


10 Step Guide to Problem Solving With Artificial Intelligence

One of the biggest misconceptions of AI has to be that it’s a shortcut. While it absolutely can make the execution of tasks more simple, it sets a new bar in terms of what people can achieve and doesn’t just help them avoid work altogether. But this is assuming you’re willing to put in the effort to understand and utilize AI effectively.

The extent to which one person can achieve is no longer limited to their unique capabilities. As a result, the problems they can solve scale exponentially which when starting a business can become lucrative before needing to hire staff. If we’re going to dive deeper into this, we need to think about all the facets involved in utilizing AI for problem-solving in business.

Full Leverage of Artificial Intelligence Integration

Utilizing AI for problem-solving in business typically involves two key aspects: internal operations and customer experience. A general overview of these aspects is as follows: 

Internal Operations:

  • AI ensures data management is effective, guaranteeing data quality and accessibility for other AI solutions being used. If we look at financial services, AI can detect patterns in data which can improve risk management and guidance— especially for clients.

  • AI automates tasks by leveraging machine learning algorithms to make predictions or decisions without explicitly being programmed to do so. For instance, think of QA; AI can identify issues early and minimize the need for manual inspection. In manufacturing, this is great for anticipating system failures.

  • Supply chain optimization with AI enhances efficiency and delivery. By analyzing demand patterns and production capacities, AI can identify bottlenecks and streamline procurement.

Customer Experience:

  • AI enables personalized experiences based on customer data and preferences. For example, an e-commerce platform can use algorithms to suggest products based on the customer's browsing and purchase history.

  • AI chatbots provide 24/7 support and quick issue resolution.

  • Analysis of customer feedback helps improve products and services. A hotel chain for instance can use AI to analyze every customer review or article written about them and find areas they need to improve. This is great for any business trying to identify specific pain points and then make data-driven decisions when looking to enhance products or services.

The future of your business, no matter what industry you're in, is going to either be very bright or a flash in the pan depending on how you adjust to the new standards of solving problems. These problems go both inside and outside of your organization.

10-Steps to Problem-Solving with AI

When you feel there is an opportunity to leverage AI to find a solution, this is typically the process you’ll want to follow:

1) Define the Problem: Clearly articulate the problem you want to solve with AI. Understand the context, challenges, and desired outcomes.

2) Collect and Prepare Data: Collect relevant data from diverse sources and ensure it is cleaned and organized for the AI to analyze.

3) Choose the Right AI Technique: Select the most suitable AI technique, whether it's machine learning or natural language processing, to address your problem.

4) Train and Test the AI Model: Train the AI model with labeled data and evaluate its performance using test datasets.

5) Interpret and Validate Results: Analyze AI-generated insights, understand limitations, and validate results with domain experts.

6) Iterate and Refine: Keep improving your AI model and problem-solving approach based on feedback and outcomes.

7) Implement and Monitor: Implement the AI solution in real scenarios and monitor its performance.

8) Address Ethical Considerations: Ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI-driven decision-making. In other words, strive to avoid biases because transparency in AI algorithms and decision-making is vital to building trust with stakeholders.

9) Embrace AI for Customer Experience: Use AI to personalize customer interactions, offer 24/7 support, and assess feedback to improve offerings.

10) Integrate AI in Internal Operations: Automate tasks, optimize processes and leverage AI-driven analytics for decision-making and efficiency.

How it Looks in Action

Talk without action means nothing, especially in business. With that in mind, here is a concept of what it might look like when a company goes through this process:

Telecommunications Example

Imagine a telecommunications company that is facing a challenge with customer churn rates (the number of customers who cancel their subscriptions or switch to competitors). 

Step 1: Define the Problem

The telecommunications company identifies the need to reduce customer churn and retain existing customers. They want to develop a strategy to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Step 2: Collect and Prepare the Data

The company gathers a vast amount of customer data, including call records, service usage patterns, customer feedback, and social media interactions. The data is organized and cleaned to make sure it’s accurate.

Step 3: Choose the Right AI Technique

The company goes with machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data and identify patterns that lead to churn. Natural language processing is then used to extract insights from customer feedback and social media interactions. 

Step 4: Train and Test the AI Model

The AI model is trained using historical data on customer churn. The model is then tested with a separate dataset to evaluate its accuracy in predicting churn.

Step 5: Interpret and Validate Results

The model provides insights into customer behaviour and identifies factors contributing to churn. The company validates the results with domain experts to ensure their accuracy and relevance.

Step 6: Iterate and Refine

Based on feedback and outcomes, the telecommunications company iteratively refines the AI model and strategies to better address the issue.

Step 7: Implement and Monitor

The company implements targeted customer retention strategies based on the AI-provided insights and closely monitors their effectiveness.

Step 8: Address Ethical Considerations

The telecommunications company ensures transparency in its AI algorithms and decision-making processes to build trust with customers. Biases are identified and mitigated.

Step 9: Embrace AI for Customer Experience

Customer interactions are personalized, and the AI provides tailored offers and enhances customer support.

Step 10: Integrate AI in Internal Operations

AI-driven analytics are employed in internal operations such as optimizing network performance and maintenance, the goal is to improve efficiency and quality of service.

The Takeaway

The one thing there will never be a shortage of in business is problems. As the way we solve problems innovates, knowing how to leverage tools to optimize your internal and external operations becomes the most vital business skill. If you don’t love your product, what makes you think someone else is going to? Learn the next steps in integrating AI in your business here.

Written By Ben Brown

ISU Corp is an award-winning software development company, with over 17 years of experience in multiple industries, providing cost-effective custom software development, technology management, and IT outsourcing.

Our unique owners’ mindset reduces development costs and fast-tracks timelines. We help craft the specifications of your project based on your company's needs, to produce the best ROI. Find out why startups, all the way to Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Heinz, and many others have trusted us with their projects. Contact us here.