
The Key to Your Personal Power


What is power?

If you look it up, it is defined as the ability to act, to do something in a particular way.

Unlike the word, power isn’t something you have to look for, it’s already within us; we just have to use the right method to wake it up.

People who are successful at anything have a conscious or unconscious strategy. They may have developed it by trial and error, discovered it by chance or intuition, or learned it from someone else; and so can we.

We can learn those strategies and use them to awake our personal power.

When it comes to success and learning, you need to remember that any success comes from good judgment; good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment… so all we have to do to start this cycle is to take action.


If you take action, would you have your success guaranteed?

Of course not.

So, what do you do if you try something and it doesn’t work?

Try something else.

And what if that doesn’t work?

Try something else.

For how long? Well, until you try something else that does work.


Ask yourself this question; how long would you give your average baby so he or she can learn how to walk?
Stupid question, of course. The baby is going to keep trying until he or she learns how to walk!

What a concept, right? It’s something natural on all of us when we’re kids; but as we grow up, we tend to avoid those kinds of situations to avoid the pain of frustration, embarrassment, or disappointment.

But reality is simpler than that, all you have to do is try something different, be flexible on your approach.


But the reality is that if we want anything, we need to study that thing in depth. We can’t leave it to chance, or postpone it saying “someday we’re going to do it”… It’s been said that the road of Someday leads to the town of Nowhere.

If we want something, we need to take action and move in its direction. That’s where our power lays, in our ability to act.

Once we awaken this power, all we have to do is to follow this simple steps:

  1. Know your outcome! What is it that you want? And why do you want it?

    The ‘what’ gives you the clarity to know where to move, and the ‘why’ fuels you to get you and keep you moving in that direction.

  2. Take Action. Once you know what you want, you have to decide to take action, decide that you will have it, that you won’t settle for anything less than that.

  3. Notice what you’re getting from your actions. Develop what we may call acute sensitivity, which means you need to pay close attention to what you’re getting… Are you moving towards or away from your goal?

  4. If it’s not working, change your approach. And keep changing it until you succeed.

In order to save time and energy, use role models to accelerate this process:

  1. Find someone who’s already getting the results you want

  2. Find out what that person is doing

  3. Do the same thing, emulate their state, and you’ll get the same results.

Remember:  It is impossible to fail as long as you learn something from what you do.

Stay strong!

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Design your Week, Control your Time!

In life you have two choices; you either float through it by accident, dragged by its currents and moods, or you can do it on-purpose taking control of the helm and setting a course of your own design.

You can be reactive, or proactive… what’s it going to be?

Of course, I know; you cannot plan for everything. There are events you cannot anticipate, but it is a hell of a lot easier to get to your destination when you are proactive and have your destination in mind; and one great way to approach this strategy is by creating your Ideal Week, kind of a chart and a compass to steer you in the right direction.

I first heard of this concept from author, coach, and speaker Donald Miller, who originally heard it from his coach. The idea is similar to a financial budget; only in this one, you will plan how you will manage your time instead of your money.

Setting your Plan

In anyone’s ideal week –that is, the week you would live if you could control everything that happens to you- should be divided into a simple grid, so each day of the week has a main theme (listed at the top of the planner), and each day also is segmented into blocks, related to a specific focus area.


For instance, on an Ideal Week, the themes for the days of the week could be:

  • Mondays could be Teams (one-on-one meetings, staff meetings, and general planning)

  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Outside Tasks (travel, extended meetings, client visits, etc.)

  • Thursdays could be Problem Solving days

  • Fridays could be spent on medium and long-term planning

  • Saturdays are for personal/recreational activities

  • Sundays for rest, family, and spirituality

Focus Areas

It’s important to notice that there is no limit to the variety of things you can achieve if only you create firm boundaries around your time blocks and focus areas. If you don’t set them apart, work –it is mostly the case- will expand to the time allotted for it.

  • Early mornings are reserved for self-nurturing activities (reading, meditating, working out)

  • Middle morning to late afternoon is for work.

  • The end of the day is reserved for family time and home (cooking, dining, writing, etc.); it’s a time to connect and catch up.

You can use some kind of color scheme to highlight or even chunk things down a little bit more. It’s all subjective, you can create your own scheme, as long as you make sure you’re working on what matters most.

Map your ideal week, and use it constantly to check whether you’re on course, or off course. Not always you’ll accomplish 100% of your weekly goals, but it will give you something to shoot for; and hey, hitting half percent of a perfectly designed week plan is an unbelievable productive week!

If you take on your weekly chunk of activities without knowing what your priorities are, and just ‘move forward’, you’re actually moving sideways or going around in circles. Unless you have a laser focus aim, you’re going to miss your target.

Remember, if you aim small, you’ll miss small.

Stay on target, stay strong!


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Self-Confidence, the shortcut to Your Dream Life


Everything that you have in your life is the result of your beliefs, in yourself and in what is possible.

Learning to believe in yourself will open up countless possibilities in your life. Although this is not an easy task, since we’ve been conditioned from our childhood to doubt ourselves, we must learn to get rid of our fears and self-doubt to rebuild our self-esteem and self-confidence.

These are four important steps to learn how to achieve it. If you practice them consistently and relentlessly, you’ll be amazed at the results.

1.      Believe. Everything you want is possible.

It is your choice whether or not to believe that what you want is possible.

We used to believe that humans responded to information coming into the brain from the outside, but now we know that instead, we tend to respond to what the brain expects to happen next, based on previous experiences.

Our brain is a complex and powerful instrument. Whatever you expect, it will work to obtain it. It can deliver everything you believe in through the power of expectation; that’s why it is very important to always hold a positive expectation instead of rehearsing for the things we don’t want to happen.

2.      Visualize. See what you want, get what you see

When you add a visualization practice to your daily routine, you’ll naturally become more inspired to work on your goals. You’ll surprise yourself by spontaneously doing things that move you closer to your ideal life. You’ll take on more responsibilities, ask more directly, and taking risks; thus experiencing bigger pay-offs.

One of the most common and effective ways to work with visualization is with an inspirational Vision Board –a graphic representation of what you want in life. When you look at it every day, you start to shift your focus towards your dreams.

3.      Act as if. Who do you want to be?

The best way to establish a successful mindset is to act as if you’ve already become the kind of person you want to be.

Imagine you’ve already achieved your dream.
What kind of person would you be? What kind of people would surround you? How would you dress? How would you act, and treat others? What kind of growth and contribution would you be experiencing consistently?

Whatever actions you’d identify with, don’t wait; start taking them now.
By acting this way, you’ll become the kind of person who is capable of creating the successful life that you want, and it will trigger your subconscious mind to find creative ways to achieve the required goals.

4.      Take action, move towards your goals!

Believe it or not, this is where most people get stuck. They all get the principles, they set their goals, say their affirmations, and do their visualizations; but they never get results because they fail to take action on them.

The final and most important step of all is to take action. It’s ok to feel the fear and do it anyway, because that’s where the life of our dreams lay, right across the walls of fear.

So, be strong, take action, climb up that wall, and run towards your dreams!  

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit