Sales & Marketing

The Right Mindset for Successful Networking (Part 2)


“Work actively towards becoming a member of a network “ and “ don’t keep a score” were the two actions we mentioned in our previous blog in order for you to create and maintain the right mindset for building successful networking relationships.

The following are another two additional actions which are required:

Identify your Mission

Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here? That depends a good deal on where you want to get to

The more specific you are about what you want to do, the easier it becomes to develop a strategy to accomplish it.

Key is to make a setting goals a habit. If you do that, goal setting becomes a part of your life. If you don't it withers and dies.


Step one: find your passion

  • A goal is a dream with a deadline
  • Look inside
  • Important about conducting an internal review is to do so without constraints, doubts, fears, and expectations of what you "should" be doing
  • Dreams and goals (make list)
  • All the things that bring me joy and pleasure, the achievements, people, and things that move me
  • Ask the people who know you best what they think your greatest strengths and weaknesses are. Ask them what they admire about you and what areas you may need help in
  • Look outside


Step Two - putting goals on paper

  • Connecting the goals to the people, places, and things that will help you get the job done. Determine the best way to reach out to the people who will help you accomplish your goals.
  • Connecting with others really just involves having a predetermined plan and carrying it out, whether you want to be a ninth-grade history teacher or start your own business.
  • Goals must be in writing. Have a conviction to put your intentions to paper. An unwritten wish is just a dream. In writing, it’s a commitment, a goal.
  • Goals must be specific, measurable, have a due date, be believable, be challenging and demanding,
  • Take action


Step three - create a board of advisers


Build it before you need it

  • Know that you must reach out to others long before you need anything at all
  • Start finding future clients today. Had he thought about what kind of industry he wanted to be in? Had he thought about where the top people in that industry hang out? Next step is to go hang with this group of people
  • Get to know these people as friends, not potential customers
  • Volunteer your time to a nonprofit organization they're involved in, or aid in publicizing a school fundraiser their kids are involved in
  • Once you've got an established client that will provide references and create some word of mouth you're halfway home
  • But to be constantly creating the environment and community you want for yourself, no matter what may occur.
  • Offer out knowledge and work ethic to small companies, learn about new industries, references and contacts when we graduated
  • It's easiest to reach out to those people who are at least tangentially part of your network
  • But the first step has nothing to do with strangers, you should start connecting with the people you do know.



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

The Right Mindset for Successful Networking


The ability to connect with others, truly connect, is what makes people become successful.

Success in life equals to the people you meet plus what you create together, with those people.

In order to be effective and successful in networking, you have to have the right mindset and the right skill set.

The right mindset and skill set comes from building honest relationships; people that you trust and who trust you in the same manner – an honest mutual trust.

In order to have the right mindset you have to follow a certain philosophy and the following actions:


Work actively towards becoming a member, a member of a network:

  • Always analyze, where are the places you go to meet the kind of people who could most impact your life?
  • Meet people inclined to be mentored or who are eager to mentor you - people you guide, people who guide you.
  • Be conscious and aware, that, real networking is about finding ways to make other people more successful; their success will become your success.


Don't Keep Score

  • It’s not about "how can you help me?" but "how can I help you?"
  • However, become as willing to ask for help as you are to give it
  • Relationship are like muscles, the more you work them, the stronger they become
  • Trust is the main cornerstone, relationships are solidified by trust
  • Bottom line: it's better to give before you receive. And never keep score. If your interactions are ruled by generosity your rewards will follow suit.



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit


How to Deal with Your First Product Release to Grow


When you launch your viable product ( MVP) Release 1.0, lots of things can and will go wrong.  Feature requests will also start pouring in. The common tendency is to build more, but that is hardly the answer.

  • More features dilute your unique value proposition:  your MVP is better as small and focused as possible – simple products are simple to understand.
  • Don’t give up on you MVP too early:  first, troubleshoot and resolve issues with existing features before chasing new features
  • Features always have hidden costs:  more features mean more tests, more screenshots, more videos, more coordination, more complexity, more distractions.
  • You still don’t know what the customers really want: always keep your future feature ideas in a backlog – later on, validate and prioritize them.
  • Start with Minimal Market Features: a feature with the smallest portion of work which provides added value to customers
  • When validating and prioritizing features based on customer requests define if the request is a single request or common request – is the feature requested by a single customer or by most customers.  Define and assess whether it is a nice to have or a must have if it’s worth solving and which macro it will affect.
  • Review features throughout the feature life-cycle, ensure that they have a positive impact. Otherwise, rework or kill them.
  • At the beginning focus on traction and not on scaling – once you demonstrate early traction then and only then you can shift toward achieving sustainable growth.


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit