Live in the Moment


The art of life is to live in the present moment

Emmet Fox


As we mentioned, strategy No. 1 for attaining happiness and fulfillment is to live in the moment.

We all know that we live in a world with a fast-paced environment where everything has to be done at once and right away, multi-tasking is the norm of the day.   People believe that in order to be successful and happy they have to chase the future on a constant basis, your mind has to be always on the next task, the next goal by constantly playing catch-up ... ahhh the rat-race!


This tendency to focus on getting things done is of course not categorically negative - accomplishments are good things! Yet constantly focusing on the next thing ironically ends up keeping you from the very success you are chasing.

The problem is, we keep delaying our happiness in favor of getting more things done so that we can be even happier later, or so we think. The delaying process usually goes on forever, damaging the very success and happiness we are seeking. 


Instead, live and enjoy the moment, the present. Focus on what's happening in front of you right now - focus on one thing at a time, be present instead of having your mind on the next thing.


These are some exercises that may help you live the present:

  • Practice consciously being present:  focus exclusively n the task at hand 

  • Meditate:  it cultivates a state of calm and quiet in your mind

  • Breathe focus: when you find your mind wandering in the past or future focus your attention on your breathing, it brings you back to the present.

  • Truly experience pleasure:  whether emotional (such as love) or sensual (taste, touch or sound) - savor the experience completely

  • Technology fasting:  understand the importance of unplugging, after business hours and weekends, let your mind rest from all the various technology gadgets (yes-including your cell phone) - let your mind rest and relax.




One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

The Six-sided Key to Happiness and Success


The path to long-term success and well-being is often the opposite of what we are told in our society and environment.


The following are actually the key strategies for attaining happiness and success:


1. Live (or work) in the moment:

Instead of always thinking about what's next in your to-do list, focus on the task at hand. You will become more productive & focused with less stress.


 2. Tap into your resilience:

Instead of living in overdrive, train your nervous system to bounce back from setbacks. It will allow you to control the moment,       yourself and allow you to face difficulties and challenges with ease.


3. Manage your energy:

Instead of engaging in exhausting thoughts and emotions, learn to manage yourself by remaining calm and centered. You will be able to save precious mental energy for the tasks that really need your focus.


4. Do nothing:

Instead of spending all your time and energy on constant tasks (especially in today's fast-paced environment), give yourself a break, make time for idleness, fun, social life. you will become more creative and innovative and be more likely to come up with new ideas.


5. Be good to yourself:

Instead of playing only to your strengths and being self-critical be compassionate with yourself and understand that your brain is built to learn new things. you will improve your ability to excel in the face of a challenge and learn from mistakes.


6. Show compassion to others:

Instead of being focused on yourself, show interest and compassion towards those around you and maintain supportive relationships. You will dramatically increase the loyalty and commitment of those around you.


Hopefully, these strategies will help you improve your well being, happiness and live a life of meaning and purpose  - hence, making you successful.




One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Give, Give, Give.


Selling is giving. Focus on what you give, not just what you get!

A sincere desire to help, aid, assist, and service is the true focus of selling. If you give enough in life, life will give back. Service is senior to selling, giving is senior to getting. Deliver beyond what they ask for… exceed the client’s expectations!

Best energy, attitude, and service will get you further than anything. By raising the credibility and reputation of the company, you will see increased profits, sales, customer satisfaction and shorter sales cycles.


Love the one you’re with and show them how important they are to you… commit 100% and don’t allow for interruptions. Turn off your phone, pager, etc. Be totally committed to that one opportunity, the customer. People feel neglected, if you give your full, undivided attention, it will leave an impression on the customer. People are more valuable than money.

What level of service are you going to give?

You can beat the pack with a high level of service. A better product? Not necessarily the solution... great service will always triumph. People will pay more for service than they will for the product. Go to the client rather than the client coming to you, service sells. Providing options is a way of serving people.

Follow up with people before and after the sale. Stay creative, go where other people won’t go. What do you get for a lower price? The difference between the $40 room and $400 room: service, clientele? What did the customer get?
Elevate your level of service.


Commitment to purpose, dedication to service. SERVICE and PURPOSE. High levels of service = increased sales. Most people don’t buy the first time you ask. The moment you quit asking, the deal is dead. You have to be willing to be persistent, “Hard sell status”.

Get comfortable so that what you say sounds genuine and natural. Closing is like a recipe. Practicing handling rejections, complaints, etc. There’s nothing wrong with you learning what you’re going to say. Use what works, so you can handle certain situations successfully. Drill, practice, rehearse to become a professional, hard sell closer. If you can’t close, you lose.

Know how to deliver, know how to close. Repair what doesn’t work. For you to be a professional, you have to prepare yourself. Video yourself. Watch your gestures, hand motions, tone level, and responses. Team up with another associate, and practice handling anything you weren’t comfortable with the day before.

You’re doing this, but when it costs money. Why wait until there are real things at stake in order to practice closing?



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit