Sales & Marketing

Give, Give, Give.


Selling is giving. Focus on what you give, not just what you get!

A sincere desire to help, aid, assist, and service is the true focus of selling. If you give enough in life, life will give back. Service is senior to selling, giving is senior to getting. Deliver beyond what they ask for… exceed the client’s expectations!

Best energy, attitude, and service will get you further than anything. By raising the credibility and reputation of the company, you will see increased profits, sales, customer satisfaction and shorter sales cycles.


Love the one you’re with and show them how important they are to you… commit 100% and don’t allow for interruptions. Turn off your phone, pager, etc. Be totally committed to that one opportunity, the customer. People feel neglected, if you give your full, undivided attention, it will leave an impression on the customer. People are more valuable than money.

What level of service are you going to give?

You can beat the pack with a high level of service. A better product? Not necessarily the solution... great service will always triumph. People will pay more for service than they will for the product. Go to the client rather than the client coming to you, service sells. Providing options is a way of serving people.

Follow up with people before and after the sale. Stay creative, go where other people won’t go. What do you get for a lower price? The difference between the $40 room and $400 room: service, clientele? What did the customer get?
Elevate your level of service.


Commitment to purpose, dedication to service. SERVICE and PURPOSE. High levels of service = increased sales. Most people don’t buy the first time you ask. The moment you quit asking, the deal is dead. You have to be willing to be persistent, “Hard sell status”.

Get comfortable so that what you say sounds genuine and natural. Closing is like a recipe. Practicing handling rejections, complaints, etc. There’s nothing wrong with you learning what you’re going to say. Use what works, so you can handle certain situations successfully. Drill, practice, rehearse to become a professional, hard sell closer. If you can’t close, you lose.

Know how to deliver, know how to close. Repair what doesn’t work. For you to be a professional, you have to prepare yourself. Video yourself. Watch your gestures, hand motions, tone level, and responses. Team up with another associate, and practice handling anything you weren’t comfortable with the day before.

You’re doing this, but when it costs money. Why wait until there are real things at stake in order to practice closing?



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

It's all About the Attitude


People will pay more for a great experience; a great attitude is better than the product that you’re selling.

Great attitude + great product = unstoppable

It’s easy for them to say no to a product or company, but difficult to say no to a positive experience with another person. When something makes you feel good, you want more of it! People will spend more on feeling good than satisfying basic needs. “No one buys a jacket like this because they need it. They buy it because it’s beautiful.” A great attitude is contagious and can’t be shopped... it's priceless.

Treat your customers like millionaires, people will act how you treat them. You want them to appreciate the opportunity to be able to work with you. “You are the people you hang around”. Your enemies are not the ones endangering you; it’s the people closest to you.

These are some of the negative traits you should avoid in order to have a great attitude:

  • Avoid newspapers, television, and radio
  • Stay away from “can’t do” people
  • Get everyone in your life on the same page with where you are going
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol
  • Stay away from hospitals and doctors
  • No negative talk
  • Start a negativity diet


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

The First Rule of Selling: Agreement - Part 2


Trust: Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability or surety of a person or a thing.


In this second and last blog on Agreement, we'll talk about credibility.

You can be trusted, but still, lose credibility. Credibility is a critical key to you appearing as a professional. No trust = no sale. No credibility = no sale.

  • Building trust
  • Keep credibility
  • Don’t take it personally


Know everything there is to know about your field! You need to know your people, your product, your industry, everything.

Without credibility, it lengthens the sales process and leads to other disadvantages.

People believe what they see, not what they hear. The buyer assumes he can’t trust you, that you’re a pitchman and you’ll say anything.


Rule of Thumb:

Assume your buyer doesn’t believe what you say. Show data and proof. Buyers are usually drawing off their own experiences, counter by validating it with data. No matter how honest you are, be credible and trustworthy.


Use third-party validation:

  • People believe what they see, not what they hear
  • Always write down what you’ve said
  • Don’t be scared of contracts 
  • When showing them competition, do it in writing. MAKE IT REAL.

Be prepared to build the credibility in you that will convince people to trust and buy from you. Today’s buyer is MORE dependent on FACTS. Support your cause, build trust, and convince them it’s the right decisions.

An informed buyer is ALWAYS better than an uninformed buyer.

The lack of data and logic makes customers emotional, which makes them irrational.


Tips on trust:

  • Never sell with words
  • Write it down
  • Never close with words
  • Use a buyer’s order
  • Never make verbal promises… Put your assurances in writing
  • The more data the better
  • Keep your information current
  • Have your written information available and easy to access
  • Use third-party data when possible
  • Have information accessible in real time
  • Use computer generated data whenever possible



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit