A 3-step Plan to Face Your Fears


1. Forget about the things that are not up to you

If you don’t have control over certain things, don’t worry about them. Stop wasting your time plotting and making contingency plans to make sure those things will never happen.

Brave people focus on what they can control, and all of us, in any given moment, only have control over three things: the thoughts we think, the images we visualize, and the actions we take.

2. Before you start anything, you got to face your fears

When you’re about to start a new project, think about all the possible outcomes; then make a list of all the obstacles you may bump into… be realistic, and you’ll see they are not as bad as you thought they were.

When you acknowledge that you’ve already been through quite a lot, and survived, then it’s not such a big deal.

Once you face your fear, you can move on. When you figure out the odds, you will see that you have the inner strength to deal with whatever cards life deals to you.

3. Imagine the alternative

Visualize the result of giving into your fears and give up; really feel the cost of letting yourself be overwhelmed by fear and all the consequent loss…

Then do the opposite; feel the victory and the benefits of having courageously pursued your goals… weigh the two carefully, and see the difference.

When faced with a scary situation, you can always choose between these two: You can hold back and withdraw, or you can take the challenge, learn something new, train, and do whatever it takes and rise to the occasion.

See yourself always rising your game, and step into the major league, and you will increase your opportunities for present and future success.


It’s all up to you, it all depends on how you choose to live your life.

My advice? Take challenges head-on, take the next step and build your courage. It will open the doors to a whole new world.

Stay strong.

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