It’s Our Gratitude What Makes Us Stronger

By choosing thankfulness for what we have, we become stronger, not weaker.

Gratitude isn’t a cure for negative emotions, nor is it their replacement; let’s get this clear from the start.
Honesty about our feelings must be paramount if we were to allow gratitude to emerge amid our circumstances and emotions.

Thankfulness boils down to set our mind on all the positive things that exist in our lives in any given moment instead of worrying about what we don’t have.

Instead of depending on externals to make us happy, we have to accept that lasting happiness comes from within.


Any of this means we should let our personal and professional life wither and die; on the contrary, while we strive for growth, we must practice gratitude for the abundance we already have.

This type of mindset will set us free from constantly feeling discontent or restless for more and that feeling that we never get to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

The more we practice this, the easier we may shift our state and mood towards the positive, eventually becoming masters of our emotional state.


Why is gratitude so important?

When we embrace mental abundance, we’re able to experience its benefits and the stillness it brings.

We know this for a fact: the state of our brain in gratitude is much like its state in love.

When we’re in that state, our brain’s neural circuitry releases large amounts of dopamine and serotonin, the James Brown neurochemical cocktail that makes us feel good, fostering optimism, camaraderie, willpower and positive emotions.

The more we practice it, the more we activate the neurocircuitry responsible for this gratitude response; the circuits then become stronger and, with time, the resulting positive feelings become more stable fixtures in our outlook.


Other benefits of gratitude include:

. Social benefits: it opens the door to more relationships while expanding our capacity for empathy

. Physical health: it leads to better self-care, sleep, and overall health

. Psychological health: practicing gratitude helps us manage negative feelings while increasing mental strength.



Take a moment today to practice gratitude, build that muscle so it becomes more reflexive, and buy yourself a moment in time where you’ll be connected with your life and all its abundance.


Stay strong!




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