
Maximize Results with Effective Time Management

Suppose you want to strengthen your relationship with your kids, so you decide to use one or two hours out of your day to give them the time and attention they deserve; but as you’re playing with them, your phone rings in your pocket…

Naturally, you automatically take it out to see who called or texted you. You’d probably even call or text back and before you know it, you’d have a conversation going.

By shifting your attention to your phone (or to the TV, or some similar source of daily distractions) you’re directing your attention and energy away from your kids, and you are no longer working toward the outcome you’ve set initially; one that really matters to you, which is a healthier, more loving relationship with your kids.

What if instead of checking your phone, you stayed committed to your intended outcome and gave your kids the attention they deserve? By staying focused on your target, and letting the phone wait for one or two hours –nobody is going to die, and the world is not going to end because of it- you will be more successful attaining your goal, and that speaks the most to your core values.

Aligning your actions with your core values is about having clarity on what these values are. What is it that you truly want? How can you accomplish this by using your favorite time management skills?

Whatever your goal is, you have to be clear with the outcome you are after and establish the time required to achieve it; it could be a deadline or a certain amount of time you’re taking daily what gets the job done… but either way, be realistic –not extremely shy or too eagerly optimistic- set the timing in a proportional way depending on the goal you’re setting.


All this takes us to our following article, which talks about clarity in your goals.

See you next week. Stay strong.

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit


Exhaust your inventory, not your price.


The Price Myth: price is not the buyers biggest concern. Most sales are lost over objections you never hear. If you don’t name the right problem, the price alone is not enough to bring you more sales. Price is not the problem.


“Getting the sale” is about the buyer having CONFIDENCE in:

  • the product

  • the salesperson

  • the company

Sell with EMOTION. Close with LOGIC.  

You should walk into every transaction completely believing that price is not the real issue. If all other problems are solved, the price conflict resolves itself. Where there is a price conflict… there is something you don’t know about. Why would they pay more? They are placing value on you and your company. Give the buyer reasons to pay extra. People want more than just the lowest price.

Your buyer has to want your product more than he wants his money.


Determine the Connection

Present other possibilities, ask the customer to rate it


Solve their Problem

Every customer is looking to solve a problem.


You and the company

Make people like you, not just the product


Other concerns the customer may have:

  • Is this the right product?

  • Is there a better product?

  • Will this solve our problem?

  • Will I use it?

  • What will other people think about my decision?

  • Am I better off buying something else?

  • Will something better come out next week?

  • Do I know enough to make a decision?

  • Should we invest in something else?

  • Is this going to be a mistake?

  • Is this person going to let me down?

  • It’s almost NEVER THE PRICE!


Do not ever offer a product that is cheaper, it makes the buyer believe that you don’t have any other solution. They are more concerned about making a good decision than how low the price is.

Exhaust your inventory, not your price.  

It’s the salespeople who stop sales, not the customers. Customers aren’t the problem, we are! It’s critically important for you to stabilize the things you CAN CONTROL. YOU are the barrier. Take responsibility for everything.

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

The Six-sided Key to Happiness and Success


The path to long-term success and well-being is often the opposite of what we are told in our society and environment.


The following are actually the key strategies for attaining happiness and success:


1. Live (or work) in the moment:

Instead of always thinking about what's next in your to-do list, focus on the task at hand. You will become more productive & focused with less stress.


 2. Tap into your resilience:

Instead of living in overdrive, train your nervous system to bounce back from setbacks. It will allow you to control the moment,       yourself and allow you to face difficulties and challenges with ease.


3. Manage your energy:

Instead of engaging in exhausting thoughts and emotions, learn to manage yourself by remaining calm and centered. You will be able to save precious mental energy for the tasks that really need your focus.


4. Do nothing:

Instead of spending all your time and energy on constant tasks (especially in today's fast-paced environment), give yourself a break, make time for idleness, fun, social life. you will become more creative and innovative and be more likely to come up with new ideas.


5. Be good to yourself:

Instead of playing only to your strengths and being self-critical be compassionate with yourself and understand that your brain is built to learn new things. you will improve your ability to excel in the face of a challenge and learn from mistakes.


6. Show compassion to others:

Instead of being focused on yourself, show interest and compassion towards those around you and maintain supportive relationships. You will dramatically increase the loyalty and commitment of those around you.


Hopefully, these strategies will help you improve your well being, happiness and live a life of meaning and purpose  - hence, making you successful.




One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit