Personal Development

Time Management, The Art of Structuring Your Life


Structure relates to how can we make use of our time more effectively. People who structure their life usually get more out of their lives.

At the beginning of the week, Monday -  each and every one of us has 168 hours to spend by the time midnight strikes on Sunday.

Basically, we can divide the week into 3 buckets of time:  sleep, work, personal.

Time allows us to structure our lives, which people structure in different ways - the question is, in which way do you personally structure your time between those 3 buckets:

·        Some tend to use a lot of time for sleep and personal leaving less time for work

·        Some tend to use a lot of time for work leaving less time for sleep and personal

·        Some others tend to allocate close to a proportional time for each

Too much time of sleep and personal time and less time of work provides an unbalanced structure since monetary constraints are involved in making your life more complicated and less meaningful.  We all know that financial insecurity and constrain creates stress.

On the other hand, when people invest too much time working, they sacrifice sleep and sacrifice their personal lives ( by personal we mean own time dedicated to family, social life and own).  Sacrificing health due to lack of sleep and sacrificing relations due to lack of time are two factors of an unfulfilled life full of stress.

The trick to happiness is related to a balanced structure of life in which all 3 buckets take the same priority; they might not be exactly structured in 1/3 each but close to it. This structure will allow a person to enjoy financial security and enjoyment while at the same have the related time to enjoy family, social and personal life.



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Use Fear to Fuel Your Success #3


We have all heard the old adage that says “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”…

But if you think about it, there isn’t much room for our own attitude in there; we’d have to wait and see if we don’t die in the process, and only then we can realize whether or not it can make us stronger.


Well, I’m ok with it; but I believe that there are times when we can decide in advance that we’re going to survive it and that we’re going to grow because of it… so I’d rather say:

Don’t let fear stop you, make it strengthen you.


Fear can make you stronger; it can tell you when you’re on the right track… you can tell by its intensity; because if you look back and look closely, the times when you were scared the most, were the times you were after something you really wanted or trying something new and adventurous. So, if it doesn’t scare you, you should consider revising your choices; raise the stakes and the standards involved, and keep going until it feels right… and by that, I mean scared to the bones.


Fear actually can show you the way.

It tells you that there’s something you still need to work on; some preparing you need to be done, training, persistence, or maybe the patience for when things take longer to come about.

Let your fear to be the force that thrusts you forward; let it guide you to what you need to be doing… and then go do it.


Next week, we’ll talk about the last aspect of fear you can use to Fuel Your Success.

Until then, stay strong!




One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit


Secrets to Happiness # 6: Retirement Means Time for a New Adventure


The two most dangerous years of our lives are the year we are born ... and the year we retire.

Secret #6 of being happy relates to the dream we all have that is completely wrong: the dream of retiring without having to do anything.


The thing is that the concept of retirement is based on two assumptions which aren't true:

·        people enjoy doing nothing instead of being productive

·        that people can afford to live well for decades without generating any income


Study after study proves that is our social connections that are the single highest driver of our happiness.  Basically, work provides a major social stimulation, even during retirement life.  

The trick is to do something you enjoy by stimulating your senses - share, learn, see, challenge yourself, experience, keep growing.

We don't actually want to do nothing, we just want to do something we love.


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit