
Your Happiness IS Your Success


By Natalie Mansilla

These days, a booming business is available to anyone, even you. Gary Vaynerchuck, author of Crush It! says not to measure your success by the wealth and grandeur of your business, but to measure it in happiness.

The secret to success is only made up of three simple rules: love your family, work super hard, and live your passion. If you are measuring your success in happiness, that first rule is crucial. Second to that, working hard may be an obvious rule for achievement. However, it is one of those things that are easier said than done. Finally, the key to your true happiness is living your passion:

“Are you living, or just earning a living?”


We as a society have shifted in the way we do things. With the invention of the Internet, we’ve been flocking towards the web to socialize, shop, find entertainment, and more. This is a gigantic opportunity for businesses to harness and take advantage of. With the global audience that has moved to the Internet, it is clear that businesses, too, must move to the Internet.

Now, personal branding has never been easier, and advertisements are found (these days, personalized advertisements) everywhere in the online world. The Internet is a moneymaking machine just waiting for you to learn how to use it. Using the Internet as a tool will boost the speed of your success, and minimize the money you would need to put in to make it flourish. Keep in mind that, “[these tools] are only as good as the person who uses them” (Vaynerchuck, 12).

You have to have passion and an excellent work ethic to make things happen. If you have the drive, you have the power and everything you need to start making money. However, this isn’t all about the money, this about taking your passion and finding a way for you to make a living out of it.

Remember, we’re only measuring success in happiness.



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Spice Up Your Day with Inspiring Morning Habits


We, humans, are creatures of habit; whatever we do in one given situation, we tend to repeat in another. There might be some theme variations and adaptations, but once a structure has been set, we use it everywhere and that –sometimes inadvertently- builds up in time defining how our whole lives will unfold for us.

We can’t help it… habits are embedded in our mind’s functional structure.

Since habits will always be there, we might as well make them work to our advantage. We can design an empowering start-up routine that will set a high tone for the rest of the day. Take these 3 steps as a starting point to design your powerful morning routine:

     1. Avoid negative thoughts

First and foremost, you have to flood yourself with positive thoughts from the moment you wake up. You might think thinking about your problems is a good strategy to find the solutions… well, nothing is further from the truth.

Negative thoughts bring your mind –and physical- state down making it extremely hard to find or even work for a solution.

Positive thoughts, however, optimize your state and get you on a peak level of performance; and in that state, solutions present itself. Don’t take my word for it, you will see it yourself.

     . Visualize success for your day

Whenever a challenging situation presents to us, we immediately start thinking about what could go wrong. I don’t know, maybe we believe we’ll be more ready if we expect the problems… but the truth is we are actually creating them by anticipating their existence.

Well, we can also do the opposite: we can expect our success, visualizing it in detail, celebrating the achievement before it happens. This way we become the creators of our future success.

     . Be always in a state of Gratitude

No matter what happens around you, there is always something to be grateful for. Start looking for the things, situations and people who already are in your life but that you have taken for granted; feel the gratitude for all that, and while you are in that state of appreciation, life will bring to you more and more things that match that very same level of appreciation you were expressing.

Next time you wake up in the morning, go through this exercise and then, just jump right out of bed and start taking action!


I would love to hear about your experiences once you start putting all this into practice.


Life is just the Reflection of Your Self Improvement


Lately, it has become very common to talk about leadership; so much so, that by now we have many ideas of what that word actually means. We generally tend to relate it to some way to inspire others in the business environment.
Leadership relates to inspiration, we got that part right, but it is not exclusive for business. It starts with us; it has to do with the responsibility for a constant self-improvement, always aiming for a better, bigger life.

Jim Rohn used to say that “if you want to be wealthy and happy, you need to learn to work harder on yourself than you do your job”. This never-ending pursuit of excellence is one of the most challenging tasks of all, but it’s well worth the effort.

We’ve been driven by a goal-setting frenzy culture for more than two decades now; but in the end, never mind how many goals you’ve achieved, the kind of person you become in the process is far more important than what you’ve got from it. 

We need to change our paradigm from one focused on tangible goals to another based on personal growth.

We must change our main inner question that always focuses on “what am I getting” to one that rather asks “What am I becoming”. 

They are both valid questions and closely connected with each other, since the person you became influences what you get in life; whatever you have now is the direct reflection (by way of attraction) of the person you are at this moment. But by placing growth before achievement, your life gets a whole new direction.

It’s kind of a universal law; you can’t get something which doesn’t match your vibrational level, which equals your level of personal development.

If you want to have more, you’ll have to become more. If you want to change the world you see around you – and that includes your income, the kind of work you do, the level of your relationships; everything – you will have to change who you are being now.

It all boils down to that quote that says “Be the change you want to see in the world”.


Be that change; the quality of your life will follow, no exceptions.