
Use Fear to Fuel Your Success #3


We have all heard the old adage that says “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”…

But if you think about it, there isn’t much room for our own attitude in there; we’d have to wait and see if we don’t die in the process, and only then we can realize whether or not it can make us stronger.


Well, I’m ok with it; but I believe that there are times when we can decide in advance that we’re going to survive it and that we’re going to grow because of it… so I’d rather say:

Don’t let fear stop you, make it strengthen you.


Fear can make you stronger; it can tell you when you’re on the right track… you can tell by its intensity; because if you look back and look closely, the times when you were scared the most, were the times you were after something you really wanted or trying something new and adventurous. So, if it doesn’t scare you, you should consider revising your choices; raise the stakes and the standards involved, and keep going until it feels right… and by that, I mean scared to the bones.


Fear actually can show you the way.

It tells you that there’s something you still need to work on; some preparing you need to be done, training, persistence, or maybe the patience for when things take longer to come about.

Let your fear to be the force that thrusts you forward; let it guide you to what you need to be doing… and then go do it.


Next week, we’ll talk about the last aspect of fear you can use to Fuel Your Success.

Until then, stay strong!




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Use Fear to Fuel Your Success #2


Fear is the brains’ way of saying that there is something important for you to overcome.
-Rachel Huber

Fear is just excitement in disguise

That’s right; if we look right into it, we’d see that fear is nothing but excitement in a dire need of an attitude adjustment.

Using skydiving as an example, no one can deny that the idea of jumping off a perfectly good airplane in mid-air is close to madness; but many of us really enjoy doing it. It actually can evoke two completely different reactions in people.

Some of them would be thrilled and excited about the idea of “flying like a bird”, feeling the wind in the face and they would relate it to the most absolute freedom.
Some others would be terrified and had to be practically forced off the airplane. They actually feel they are “falling like a stone” at more than 100 mph; they are paralyzed thinking of the way they’d smash against the ground in the end.


The difference between the two types is that the first actually embrace the adventurous nature we all have; a nature that, when embraced, gives us incredible experiences.
For the other type, the idea of doing something outside of their comfort zone feels them with inconceivable terror.

In short, whether we experience fear or excitement, it’s really up to the lens we choose to look through at the experience ahead of us.

And if we think about it, it’s really our choice.


Have you noticed that young children are very resilient to the fear of the unknown?
Most young kids are most daring and fearless than we are as adults. As we move through life, we create layer upon layer of fear and self-doubt in our subconscious mind. Our adult “lenses” we use to see through life are clouded with lack of confidence and negativity.
All we need to do is to clean our lenses and choose what to focus on more wisely; pick excitement instead of fear, practice constantly this new behavior until we master it.



Next week we’ll talk about a way of using fears to energize us instead of paralyzing us.

Until then, stay strong!


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

Train Your Mental Toughness # 4/4: Lift Up Your Lifestyle!


One of the more direct and damaging consequences of living Off Purpose and having a poor self-awareness is that the stress produced by living “against the grain”, will wear and drain all your energy away; it’s kind of like trying to re-enter the atmosphere with your “spacecraft” with a wrong angle-of-attack.
If you keep going that way, you will end up burning out.

Not having a high energy level on a regular basis keeps you away from healthy behaviors like working out or going on a diet.

Self-awareness can lead you to a life of purpose, and this will, in turn, lead you to a state of mental, physical, and emotional health. This, of course, will require that you’d take a better care of yourself; but this kind of life of being On Purpose will have you so fired up with excitement that energy will no longer be a problem.

The key is to harness this excitement and commit to a fitness lifestyle including both, exercise and good nutrition habits.

One good and effective method to follow through is finding a group of like-minded people who will support you and hold you accountable for your commitment and progress.

Remember, discipline and teamwork are the true foundation of all peak performance.


We’ll meet again next week.
Stay strong.




One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit